Fashion feet! What fashionistas are wearing this year


There’s no greater pleasure than a comfortable pair of shoes, and this year we’re seeing some spectacular styles form some great new companies. Here are a few of our favorites!

Rachel from, an online retailer for women’s designer shoes, says “The biggest trend we see coming is the peak of the brocade trend. We have seen a lot of it this fall already, but think it will continue to be big and even grow in 2018. We have already seen brands like Kate Spade New York and Steve Madden incorporate this trend into their line and we think this will only gain momentum.” We love a great bargain, and this is the place to go for some designer brands at unheard-of prices!

Another important trend in footwear, and everything else for that matter, is supporting companies with socially conscious policies. A footwear company called UWEZO is just the ticket if you’re looking to dress up your feet while making a difference. UWEZO has designs for both men and women, and a percentage of their profits goes to Empower African Children, a nonprofit formed in 2006,  is offering some attractive, natural hair-on cowhide shoes with modern styles and comfortable insoles. The nonprofit group helps underprivileged children in Africa by creating a transformative learning experience to help students realize their full potential and become the future leaders in their country and across the world. These stylish shoes are very individualized, and each pair is unique. 

Uwezo mens Oxford

Very trendy this year are eco-friendly footwear options. Companies like Okabashi, an American-made shoe company in Buford, Georgia, makes shoes from microplast, a recyclable and durable blend of plastic. Okabashi shoes have an ergonomic footbed with good arch support, making them great for traveling, working out or just playing in the back yard. Available for both men and women, they come in several different colors and styles. Flip-flops and sandals aren’t always stylish, but I’m loving the different varieties Okabashi has to offer. I’ve often found flip-flops to  be a little uncomfortable, but the arch support and design of these make a big difference in comfort level.

Okabashi cross-strap black shadow

But ladies aren’t the only ones who care about footwear! Plenty of guys – even though the don’t always admit it – have a closet full of shoes, and every guy should have at least two pair of Oxfords (one black and one champagne), a pair of brogues, and some good-looking and comfortable walking shoes. What’s annoying though, is guys who put on a nice shiny black pair of Oxfords and wear them with white gym socks!